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    Sagittarius Love Compatibility between Zodiac Signs 

    Sagittarius Compatibility - Love, Sex, Trust & Domestic Life, Personal Relationship
    In relationship Sagittarians demand independence, but when in love, it can't be denied that they are one of the big hearted signs of the zodiac. Sagittarians are spiritually and intellectually advanced and they find that these disciplines support their internal quest. Sagittarian personally exercises conflict between mind and body so that they may guide others. To Sagittarians love is a romantic venture. They love to meet people; on the whole, the attraction of the affair will be its excitement rather than true romance. They are strong willed and good at organizing, a combination that gives them the ability to bring any project they undertake to successful conclusion.

    Sagittarius Characteristics

    Sagittarians love how to be outspoken and exactly what expressions will hurt their adversaries most. They are honorable, honest, truthful and sincere. They are prone to temper and outbursts. Professionally they make excellent teachers and philosophers.

    Sagittarius Compatibility

    Sagittarius Man - Aries Woman Compatibility

    As far as sign compatibility is concerned it is not a very favorable merge. Both are advised to be more enduring and sensible in their thoughts. Feeling of trust and mutual confidence lacks in the relationship. The natives don't know how to co-operate in family and domestic affairs. It shows fundamental difference in their approach towards love, romance and life in general. Their family status will not be very enjoyable, due to which the natives may get indulge in dreadful situations. There could be some problems in progeny like miscarriage or premature demise of the child. However, if other Gunas are matched well, then this alliance can be taken into consideration.

    Sagittarius Man - Taurus Woman Compatibility

    Not a very flattering alliance as far as sign compatibility is concerned. The sign combination does not indicate a long married life as the natives are very diplomatic and self-oriented in their thoughts. Problems in progeny may also occur sometimes in this sign combination. The couple will lack the general temperament to understand each other. The love will be missing altogether and life will be more individualistic. The boy may give poor judgment by considering the selfish actions of the girl, who may regard the boy as pompous, inactive, hypocritical and sanctimonious.

    Sagittarius Man - Gemini Woman Compatibility

    This is one of the best alliances as far as sign compatibility is concerned. The girl will treat her husband with full respect and love and in turn boy will take proper care of her. He will give her full support and encouragement. Both will be down to earth and take stand for each other. Their relationship will experience give and take, which give strength to them as well as to their relationship. The natives tend to foster optimism and a constructive mental outlook in each other, by encouraging their partner to think positively.

    Sagittarius Man - Cancer Woman Compatibility

    This is not a good combination as far as sign compatibility is considered. The natives will face difficulties to understand each other's mood and feelings and may make wrong demands at wrong time. A vast gap will be seen in their approach. If both are keen to live together, then a great deal of understanding is required, which is of course not impossible. As we give importance to overall compatibility, if that exists, there is no harm to go for this alliance.

    Sagittarius Man - Leo Woman Compatibility

    This combination is not appreciated by our sages on the basis of sign compatibility. They could provide each other stimulating company, if they understand each other's basic need for freedom and expression. The girl may respect and adore her spouse, but will never give up her own identity. He will be in trouble, if he tries to give her obedience training. There may be differences over religious and philosophical beliefs. Difficulties in family and domestic matters may also arise.

    Sagittarius Man - Virgo Woman Compatibility

    A warm and gratifying union, as each side has a strong desire to please the other. Both are affectionate, dynamic and progressive in their basic attitude and will complement each other. He is kind and understanding enough to cope with the unpredictable and exciting moods of the girl, while she finds him devoted, courageous and unselfish. This is one of the best combinations for constructive co-operation. These natives not only help each other in the time of need, but also join forces to help others.

    Sagittarius Man - Libra Woman Compatibility

    This will be a happy and fruitful match, as both have a sound understanding of each other's needs and deficiencies. He will plan while she will get their goals higher each time. The energy and action-orientation of the boy will help the girl overcome her inertia. The girl can help the boy to make his action and self-expression more harmonious and socially acceptable. She will also help him in getting control over his anger and rash impulsiveness. They will be considerate, gentle and generous toward each other and share an intuitive rapport.

    Sagittarius Man - Scorpio Woman Compatibility

    This is not a very good combination as far as sign compatibility is concerned. Both signs are 2nd and 12th from each other, which indicates that there will be differences of opinion between the natives. They are two stubborn individuals, who are poles apart. It will be difficult for them to find a common ground to equate their varying outlook on life. Harmony and prosperity in family life is not assured. However, if other Gunas match well then there is no harm to go for this alliance.

    Sagittarius Man - Sagittarius Woman Compatibility

    Bhakoot compatibility chart shows that it is one of the best combinations. The combination favors energetic co-operation in efforts to improve matters that are of concern to both the natives. She is a happy and competent homemaker, while he is the great strategist that she will be immensely proud of. They will develop a fine wavelength and rapport with each other, both will understand the partner's mood and feelings. This combination does bring peace and harmony to their relationships.

    Sagittarius Man - Capricorn Woman Compatibility

    This is a quite, conventional and uneventful marriage. They may not be able to find a common ground sexually, intellectually and emotionally. There are some chances of occasional quarrels. This may cause one or the other partner to periodically explode with hostile anger or to increasingly withdraw from the relationship. Both responses are very destructive for the future of relationship and may threaten the continuance of marriage.

    Sagittarius Man - Aquarius Woman Compatibility

    This is a very favorable and good combination, as far as Varna is concerned. The natives will understand each other's emotional requirements and will be able to fulfill them. The boy will be very helping in nature and he will cooperate in home affairs. The girl will be homely and keep everything in tact. This is an excellent combination responsible for co-operation in marital relationships. There will be harmony between them and it will lead to prosperity in household life.

    Sagittarius Man - Pisces Woman Compatibility

    This is one of the best combinations as far as sign compatibility is concerned. They boy will get full support from the girl in all departments of life, whereas the girl will also work hard for her husband and will be patient and devoted toward him. She has a strong believe and trust on her husband. Full support and freedom given by girl to the boy will lead to all round success and prosperity. Physically and mentally, a wonderfully matched combination.

    Sagittarius Facts

    Lucky number: 6, 5 and 6

    Lucky Color: Light Blue and cream

    Lucky Day: Wednesday and Friday

    Lucky Gemstone: Emerald, which is to be worn as a ring in index finger

    Compatible Zodiac Signs: Aries, Leo

    Incompatible Zodiac Signs: Gemini, Virgo, Pisces

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