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    Capricorn Love Compatibility between Zodiac Signs 

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    People born under Capricorn sign are deep thinkers. Capricornia’s are ruled by Saturn, whose symbol is the goat. Capricorn is a conservative sign. This is the most brilliant and the most depressed sign in the zodiac. They are usually careful in all money and business matters. They usually do several things at a time. These people are fine entertainers, have excellent memories and excel in storytelling. Women under this sign are very careful housekeepers, possessing much taste in arrangement as well as the management of the home.

     Capricorn Characteristics

    Sometimes these people are selfish and self-distrustful. They are great talkers and have a great sense of responsibility and determination to complete any project once started. These people are very ambitious, humorous, prudent, punctual and affectionate. Suspicion is one of the negative traits of Capricorns. Since they don't get much support in their lives, so they know how to handle and how to achieve their ambitions in life and they make it all alone. Sometimes Capricorns find it very hard to express their feelings. Repressions of the emotions may lead to depressions. They strive always for honesty and are normally confident, strong willed and calm. They dislike wild schemes, fantasies and mockery. Capricorns make commitment only after weighing all the elements of a potential union. Very few people are as practical and ambitious as Capricorn natives. People under this sign are never afraid of hard work for getting what they want in their life.

    Capricorn Compatibility

    Capricorn Man - Aries Woman Compatibility

    This is an excellent combination as far as sign compatibility is concerned. The energy flow is from positive to negative terminal which is very harmonious. This is indicative of overall favorable results in respect of matters pertaining to married life, in general. Good harmony in married life is assured. Both will be very loyal and sympathetic toward each other. Our good wishes are with you.

    Capricorn Man - Taurus Woman Compatibility

    This is not a favorable alliance in consideration with sign compatibility. The natives can ponder over each other's weaknesses and self-indulging tendencies. They will not get along well and feel a lot of difference in their ways of thinking. They may face several problems due to continuous ego clashes. The natives will be able to maintain a lifelong work and personal life balance that is required for ample togetherness. They have also managed to maintain an emotional connection as well.

    Capricorn Man - Gemini Woman Compatibility

    This is not a good combination and the natives could be unfriendly or suspicious towards each other. A combination that could be binding, if envy does not come in the way. If they can think in terms of 'we' rather than 'I', they can achieve many things together. Both are advised not to blame each other in the midst of adversities. The boy may try to impose his decisions on the girl, which may be very irritating for her. The girl is very domesticated and sentimental, but will not surrender to his bossism.

    Capricorn Man - Cancer Woman Compatibility

    This combination indicates that the natives will be involved in constructive and creative jobs. The girl can help the boy in putting his ideas into action, whereas the boy will provide professional or financial security to the girl. The natives can also work together effectively in domestic and promotional endeavors. In the midst of adversities, both will extend their wholehearted support to each other. It is an inventive and resourceful alliance.

    Capricorn Man - Leo Woman Compatibility

    This combination is not supported by our Vedic astrologers. Both are required to have a lot of patience in order to make the relationship successful. Togetherness may be received after putting lot of efforts into this relationship. The natives tend to blame each other in the midst of adversities, which will not go well with any of them. Their marriage can turn into a fruitful one with a little adjustment and understanding.

    Capricorn Man - Virgo Woman Compatibility

    The girl does not match the boy's energy level. The boy will face the critical situations bravely, whereas the girl will get very nervous to face such situations. They do not get angry when their partner does not see eye to eye with them and they know how to compromise. They can consciously attempt to create a better flow. But, at times they will fall back onto their natural, disruptive flow, especially at times of stress or tiredness. Sometimes, jealousy and resentment may also enter into the scene.

    Capricorn Man - Libra Woman Compatibility

    An idealistic and conscientious couple who will seek and value each other's opinion. The boy is usually kind and will encourage her to boost up her self confidence. Girl's support and co-operation will help him to carry his pursuits nicely. This couple is not only intimate and romantic, but they genuinely like each other as well. Good combination, but still overall compatibility has to be there.
    Capricorn Man - Scorpio Woman Compatibility

    This combination is usually indicative of mutual generosity and kindness. Both are affectionate, dynamic and progressive in their basic attitude and will complement each other. She will require him to be emotional and sensitive, which will be very well understood by him. He will expect her support and trust in all departments of life, which will be provided by her. He is impulsive, while she is patient and enduring.

    Capricorn Man - Sagittarius Woman Compatibility

    This is not a good combination as far as sign Gunas are concerned. The natives may have differences of opinion on certain issues. The boy may feel that the girl is introvert and does not express herself fully in front of him. The girl, in turn may feel that the boy is too egoistic and does not care about her. This very attitude of the natives may put them apart from each other. Not a good match, for either party.

    Capricorn Man - Capricorn Woman Compatibility

    Strongly compatible match as far as sign compatibility is concerned. Both will understand each other's mood and temperament. They will be very supportive and encouraging toward each other, which give them self-confidence and bring out the best in both of them. This relationship will bring peace and harmony to the relationship. In the midst of adversities, collectively they face the situation very boldly and honestly.

    Capricorn Man - Aquarius Woman Compatibility

    Not a very beneficial and agreeable combination. Both parties will make unreasonable demands on each other and will come out unsatisfied and unfulfilled. The energy flow is from negative to positive direction which is reverse direction. The boy often sees the girl as too intellectual, dry and unemotional. There will also be fundamental difference in their natures and both will be the individuals of different mental and emotional plane.

    Capricorn Man - Pisces Woman Compatibility

    This will be a happy and fruitful match, as these two people have a sound understanding of each other's needs and deficiencies. Boys aggression with be supported by girl's intellect and creativity, which will lead to wealth and success. The boy will be romantic and will keep the girl happy. This gives a greater capacity for compromise that will allow both the individuals to feel fundamentally good.

    Capricorn Facts

    Lucky number: 6, 9 and 8

    Lucky Color: White, red and blue

    Lucky Day: Tuesday, Saturday

    Lucky Gemstone: Garnet, which is to be worn as a ring in middle finger

    Compatible Zodiac Signs: Taurus, Virgo

    Incompatible Zodiac Signs: Aries, Cancer, Libra

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