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    Taurus Love Compatibility between Zodiac Signs  

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    “The Bull” is the mascot of Taurus natives and along with is comes a strong, consistent and prejudiced personality. Taurus is the second sign of the zodiac. These people are quiet and gentle, but they know their own minds. Taurus people love money, wealth and status. They tend to excel in business matters. Do minating feature of this sign is an inflexible, firm-set nature that is difficult to change. They don't like changes in the routine.

    Taurus Characteristics

    Taurus natives like to be seen as the people who posses whatever they want and also like being surrounded by pleasing, soothing things. They are quite introvert in nature and extremely faithful. These are the people you can count on to be there, when you need them. Security and emotional commitment are of utmost priority for them. Taurus natives may also be unwilling to provide the freedom to your partner. They might also have a subtle desire to show off. They got into bad habits somewhat easily and can be self indulgent and lazy at times. They are the settler, the builder and the investor. Taurus natives have a sense of duty, responsibility and reliability.

    Taurus Compatibility

    Taurus Man - Aries Woman Compatibility

    This can not be considered as a good combination as far as sign compatibility is concerned. Their egos will be the biggest problem in this union. The girl will be arrogant and over-assertive which will not go well with the boy. Boy will also try to be dominant which will lead to disharmony and fights. In order to sustain the relationship, girl will have to tone down her aggression and boy has to listen to her carefully. Instead of treating each other as competitors, they should try to complement each other.

    Taurus Man - Taurus Woman Compatibility

    It is a harmonious combination. Both will be cool, calm, intelligent, balanced, caring and will listen to each other's views. Both will be totally in love and the bond will be very romantic. They will be artistic in expressing their love and feelings. Sometimes it may lead to over exaggeration and it may pretend to be controlling. So. it is important that they give sufficient space to each other.

    Taurus Man - Gemini Woman Compatibility

    This is not regarded a good sign compatibility. The boy will be more artistic and imaginative in nature, whereas the girl will be more methodological and practical. Due to the difference in their natures, they will find it difficult to understand each other. Not only the nature, but they will also not understand their partner's way of expressing love, they both define romance differently. So, not a really good match.

    Taurus Man - Cancer Woman Compatibility

    This is an excellent sign combination. This combination indicates that they will coordinate well with each other. The girl will be active and will be an excellent homemaker. Boy will be intelligent, romantic and understanding. Both will complement each other very well and their relationship will be joyous and rewarding.

    Taurus Man - Leo Woman Compatibility

    This relationship lacks harmony and understanding. There will be tensions and problems due to their egos. He will have to work hard to understand her assertive and extravagant nature. She also needs to understand his love for art and creativity, his passionate way of dealing with life, then only this relationship can work.

    Taurus Man - Virgo Woman Compatibility

    This is not regarded as good combination, generally. He will require space for his mental and creative satisfaction. Her nature to go into details will be seen as nagging by him. Her nature of detailing may sometimes also be seen as the trick for domination which may lead to disharmony. They will find it difficult to maintain a peaceful relationship because of the fundamental difference in their temperament and nature. There will be petty disputes and disagreements, which will lead to bigger family problems.

    Taurus Man - Libra Woman Compatibility

    He will be too egotistical and dominating to coexist with. He is an extrovert and flamboyant by nature. She is a calm and introvert girl. Both will be required to do major adjustments, until they find a happy medium. There will be health issues and problems in everyday activities and routine. He may consider her unintelligent and dull. She will be blunt and straightforward and may arise problems with her words. Both will need to change their basic attitude for achieving harmony in the relationship.

    Taurus Man - Scorpio Woman Compatibility

    Opposite signs are regarded very good by Vedic astrologers. They will be able to complement each other well and achieve long term relationship goals. He will be ambitious and she will be full of energy to support him. They will understand each other's physical and emotional needs and will support each other. The boy is artistic and romantic, while the girl will act as the source of positive energy. There will be a magnetic attraction between them and they will enjoy long lasting relationship. She will want him to be a bit more emotional and sensitive which will be very well understood by him. He will expect her support and trust in all departments of life, which will also be provided by her.

    Taurus Man - Sagittarius Woman Compatibility

    This is not regarded as a good sign combination. Astrologically it is called Shadashtak i.e. 6-8 relationship which is considered negative by Vedic astrologers. He may be crafty but he has to select the right words, otherwise those can be misinterpreted. She will be driven by aggression and assertiveness. Both of them will be self-centered and won't understand each other's needs. They may harm each other sometimes, unintentionally. She may get bored by his oversensitivity and find him impractical. He may find her over philosophical. He will not be comfortable with her brash and direct manner. Due to fundamental differences in their natures and lifestyle, this is a very difficult relationship.

    Taurus Man - Capricorn Woman Compatibility

    This is not a good sign match. She will be practical, traditional and down-to-earth. He will be fashionable, flamboyant and showman. She will be unpredictable and moody which will not go well with him. He is crafty and and she will be slow in responding to his actions. This is also regarded a detrimental combination for progeny, so this match should be avoided, if possible.

    Taurus Man - Aquarius Woman Compatibility

    He will have conservative, practical, matter of fact approach. She will be progressive and ideological about life. Both will be adaptable which is the best part of this relationship. She will be social and will be interested in politics and diplomacy, whereas he will be more interested in keep it simple approach. They will be loyal, honest and sincere and will find joy in their relationship. They will have good rapport and realistic in their relationship. Overall this can be regarded as decent match.

    Taurus Man - Pisces Woman Compatibility

    It is regarded as a good match by Vedic astrologers. The girl will be able to match the imagination and creativity of the boy. They both feel comfortable in each-other's company. She will be religious, honest, social and fun-loving and prefer purposeful activities. He will be loving, caring and passionate. This is the perfect union blended with love and care. A union that bring out the best in them.

    Taurus Facts

    Lucky Numbers: 1 and 9

    Lucky Colors: Lotus Pink

    Lucky Day: Friday

    Lucky Gemstone: Sapphire or emerald, and it is to be worn as a ring in index finger

    Compatible Zodiac Signs: Cancer, Virgo, Capricorn, Pisces

    Incompatible Zodiac Signs: Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, Aquarius, Aries

    1 टिप्पणी:

    1. Nice Post. When it comes to keeping secrets every Zodiac sign compatibility makes it the one and when it comes to most secret-keeping signs it simply goes with Scorpio which occupies the top spot for being baffling because of hidden intensity, and sheer passion, self-destructive tendencies, sometimes make you an anti-social streak.

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