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    Aries Love Compatibility between Zodiac Signs 

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    Compatibility; Love. Love Compatibility. Find out if you and your love interest or partner are soul mates, best friends, or a recipe for disaster.

    Relationship horoscope compatibility works basically by comparing the personalities of two people and how good of a working relationship they would have with each other. Various factors come into this, including the elements of the zodiac signs as well as the planets.

    Aries Characteristics

    Aries is ruled by Mars, which shows a brave and spirited route through life. A person born under Aries loves beauty, art and elegance. Natives of Aries believe in independent thinking, they have their own ideas of right and wrong. They prefer to find their own different path and have a strong leadership quality. Aries are extrovert in nature and believe in taking action rather than adage. But with all this fire comes an impatient nature and if unchecked this impatience can turn into anger and aggression. Aries native’s negative traits are: sometimes they are very unpredictable, and erratic minded. Their persona sometimes unknowingly makes it hard for others to relate to you.

    From their positive side, these people are very optimistic, at the same time very innocent and trusting. Aries are very possessive of their loved ones and they are prone to jealousy. Even if they get ditched, they will be hurt for some time, then forget it and trust again. Aries seeks to follow their motivation and instinct. Aries love recognition and appreciation for themselves and the things they do. You certainly do not like to be ignored. Aries woman tends to dominate a relationship. Similarly Aries man is unreserved and confident of his own decisions.

    Compatibility Chart 

    Aries Man - Aries Woman Compatibility

    Same sign shows very good understanding between them. It shows love and harmony. Their family life will be full of joy and happiness. Both will have a great zest for life. They will find each other attractive physically as well as mentally.

    Aries Man - Taurus Woman Compatibility

    It shows fundamental difference in the approach towards love, romance and life in general. It also shows the long life for the couple There will be difference of opinion. Boy will be more aggressive in nature whereas girl will be calm and balanced.

    Aries Man - Gemini Woman Compatibility

    This sign combination indicates happiness for the couple. The girl will help boy in achieving his life objectives and work as an adviser to him. Together they will be successful in their life. Life will be full of happiness.

    Aries Man - Cancer Woman Compatibility

    This sign combination indicates prosperity in life. Couples will understand each other and together bring prosperity in life. Boys aggression will be supported by girl's intellect and creativity which will lead to wealth and success. The boy will be romantic and will keep the girl happy. The girl will contribute by providing emotional security.

    Aries Man - Leo Woman Compatibility

    This sign combination indicates a long married life. Though this sign combination is not regarded good in marriage compatibility. Both Mesha and Simha have fiery nature and hence lack the general temperament to understand each other. Progeny is also sometimes in problem in this sign combination. The love will be missing altogether and life will be more individualistic.

    Aries Man - Virgo Woman Compatibility

    This combination, though good for progeny, but cannot be regarded as good generally. There will be difference of opinion, quarrels, and fighting. The ego will be a big issue and both will think themselves wiser than the partner. Girl's nature of dealing with family matters too much politically will not go well with the boy and similarly girl will not like one sided decisions taken by the boy. There will be ups and downs in romance and at many times love will be missing altogether.

    Aries Man - Libra Woman Compatibility

    This indicates a good combination for love and romantic life. This combination also indicates happy and long married life. The couple will be emotionally compatible and understand each other's need. Girl will work with boy closely and help in achieving his career objectives. They will lead to a harmonious, beautiful domestic life. They will understand each other's mood and emotions and ensure a pleasurable life

    Aries Man - Scorpio Woman Compatibility

    This combination has not been regarded good by our sages. There will be a matter of disputes and disagreements. Also this combination indicates loss of progeny and this will be a matter of frequent fights. They will both be assertive and forceful and feel uncomfortable in company of each other. They will lack the basic understanding of each other's emotions and will think selfish. They will require to calm down their assertive and selfish nature and improve their understanding for a smooth married life.

    Aries Man - Sagittarius Woman Compatibility

    This combination is not regarded good and leads to widowhood sometimes. This combination also indicate problems in progeny. The 5-9 position of the sings shows independent and over religious or spiritual nature. Both are fiery signs, it indicates lack of interest in understanding each other and over assertiveness.

    Aries Man - Capricorn Woman Compatibility

    This combination shows a good compatibility. The boy will get full support from the girl in all the departments of life. The girl will also work hard for her husband and will be patient and devoted toward him. She will believe her husband completely. Full support and freedom given by the girl to the boy will lead to all round success and prosperity.

    Aries Man - Aquarius Woman Compatibility

    This is one of the best combinations for sign compatibility. They will be very understanding and toward each other. The girl will be caring and compassionate whereas boy will be flamboyant and loving. If Saturn and Mars and badly placed in the chart, then it may lead to misery. Girl will work as his supporter and adviser. This combination show a romantic life that is full of domestic bliss.

    Aries Man - Pisces Woman Compatibility

    This is called Dwi-dwadash (2-12) combination and is not regarded good and said to be giving fatal results. The couple will lack harmony and understanding. Boy will be adventurous and independent while the girl will be emotional and kind of moody. There will be a lack of timing and misunderstanding will drive their life. Girl will be over emotional and boy will never able to understand the reason, because he himself will lack emotions and will be very much mechanical. He will be ambitious and assertive and will not understand a girl's emotions.

    Aries Facts

    Lucky number: 9, 8 and 6

    Lucky colors: Blue, Blue-green

    Lucky Day: Friday, Tuesday and Saturday

    Lucky Gemstone: Coral; and it is to be worn as ring in middle finger

    Compatible Zodiac Signs: Gemini, Leo, Sagittarius, Aquarius

    Incompatible Zodiac Signs: Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn, Pisces

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