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     What is Eye Stroke? Know its causes and symptoms from the Expert

    In today's time, diseases are spreading rapidly due to poor diet and unbalanced lifestyle. Nowadays people are facing various diseases at a young age. In today's time, eye problems have also started due to excessive work or sitting in front of the computer screen for a long time. Have you heard of Eye Stroke? If not, then through this article we will tell you about some things related to eye stroke. Actually, eye stroke is a condition in which due to blockage in the arteries of the retina present in the eyes, it does not get oxygen and blood. This condition is known as eye stroke. 

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    What is Eye Stroke? Know its causes and symptoms from the doctor

    Eye stroke is a complex problem of the eyes. Learn about its causes and symptoms from a Expert here.

    What is eye stroke

    Ophthalmologist Expert Dr said that eye stroke is a condition in which there is reduced blood supply to the tissue of the front part of the optic nerve of the eyes. In such a situation, the nerves and arteries of the retina present in your eyes stop working properly. In this condition, the eyes do not get enough blood. Due to which there is also an increased risk of clot formation in the eyes or narrowing of the arteries. In such a situation, the eyes also become weak. This disease can happen to a person of any age. There are many types of eye stroke. Patients with high cholesterol, coronary artery disease, diabetes, and glaucoma are more prone to this problem.

    Reason of Eye Stroke

    • There can be many reasons for eye stroke.
    • The first and most common cause of eye stroke is not enough blood reaching the eyes, that is, this problem can arise if there is no smooth circulation of blood to the optic nerve of the eyes.
    • This problem can also arise due to blockage in the optic nerve due to any reason. The optic nerve connects your eyes to the brain.
    • The problem of eye stroke can arise due to the accumulation of blood clot in the retina.
    • High blood pressure, uncontrolled diabetes or heart diseases are also one of the causes of stroke.
    • If kidney disease or inflammation of the blood vessels is not treated for a long time, there can also be a risk of gradual stroke.

    Eye Stroke Symptoms

    • Expert told that due to eye stroke, people usually see less in one eye as soon as they wake up in the morning, which is one of its symptoms.
    • Dark shadows before the eyes are also a symptom of an eye stroke. Even so, you can still identify it.
    • It can also be recognized by having blurred vision and loss of vision with no feeling of pain in the eyes.
    • Intermittent blinking of eyes.
    • Often people have this stroke between 3 and 4 in the morning after a break in sleep.

    Eye Stroke Treatment

    • By massaging around the eyes, the sensitive part behind the eyes opens up the retina.
    • This problem is also corrected by laser treatment. However, in some cases it is required.
    • Carbon dioxide is also used to open the blockage of the arteries. This improves the circulation of oxygen and blood to the retina.
    • Anti-vascular endothelial factor drugs, injected directly into the eye.

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