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     Yoga is often partially understood as being limited to asanas or poses, and its benefits are only perceived to be at the physical level. However, we fail to realize the immense benefits yoga offers in uniting the body, mind, and breath. When you are in harmony, the journey through life is calmer, happier and more fulfilling. So, if you are keen to lose weight, develop a strong and flexible body or being at peace, then yoga can help you achieve it all.

    Top 10 benefits of yoga

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    • Yoga helps you in all-around fitness
    • Yoga benefits in weight loss
    • Yoga is one of the best solutions for stress relief
    • Yoga helps for inner peace
    • Yoga Improves Immunity
    • Practice of Yoga Offers Greater Awareness
    • Yoga improves relationships
    • Yoga Increases Energy
    • Yoga Gives you Better Flexibility and Posture
    • Yoga helps in improving intuition

    1. Yoga helps you in all-around fitness

    “Health is not a mere absence of disease. It is a dynamic expression of life – in terms of how joyful, loving, and enthusiastic you are.” Yoga poses, pranayama (breathing techniques) and meditation are a holistic fitness package. The benefits accrued by being a regular practitioner are numerous. Some very discernible ones are:

    • Improves health
    • Gives mental strength
    • Improves physical strength
    • Protects from injury
    • Detoxifies the body

    2. Yoga benefits in weight loss

    Sun Salutation and Kapal Bhati pranayama are highly useful for losing weight. Moreover, with regular practice of yoga, we tend to become more sensitive to our body and its needs. This, in turn, helps keep a check on our food intake and body weight.

    3. Yoga is one of the best solutions for stress relief

    A few minutes of yoga daily can be a great way to get rid of stress, both in body and mind. Yoga postures, pranayama, and meditation are effective techniques to release stress.

    4. Yoga helps for inner peace

    We all love to visit peaceful, serene spots that are rich in natural beauty. Little do we realize that peace can be found right within us and we can take a mini vacation to experience this any time of the day. Yoga is also one of the best ways to calm a disturbed mind.

    5. Yoga Improves Immunity

    Our system is a seamless blend of the body, mind, and spirit. An irregularity in the body affects the mind and similarly, unpleasantness or restlessness in the mind can manifest as an ailment in the body. Yoga poses help massage organs and strengthens muscles while breathing techniques and meditation release stress and improve immunity.

    6. Practice of Yoga Offers Greater Awareness

    The mind is constantly involved in an activity – swinging from the past to the future – but never staying in present. By simply being aware of mind’s tendency, we can save ourselves from getting stressed or worked up. Yoga and pranayama help create that awareness and bring the mind back to the present moment, where it can stay happy and focused.

    7. Yoga improves relationships

    Yoga can even help improve your relationship with your loved ones. A mind that is relaxed, happy and content is better able to deal with sensitive relationship matters. Yoga and meditation aids in keeping the mind happy and peaceful. Gradually, you will also notice an improvement in your relations with those around you.

    8. Yoga Increases Energy

    Do you feel completely drained by the end of the day? Shuttling through chores and multitasking continuously can be quite exhausting. A few minutes of yoga every day boosts our energy level and keeps us fresh. A 10-minute online guided meditation in the middle of a hectic day is all you need to charge up your batteries.

    9. Yoga Gives you Better Flexibility and Posture

    Yoga must become a part of your daily routine to get a body that is strong, supple, and flexible. Regular yoga practice stretches and tones the body muscles and also makes them strong. It also helps improve your body posture when you stand, sit, sleep or walk. This would, in turn, help relieve you of body ache due to incorrect posture.

    10. Yoga helps in improving intuition

    Yoga and meditation have the power to improve your intuitive ability so that you spontaneously realize what needs to be done, when and how, to yield positive results. Since Yoga is a continuous process, it is recommended to keep practicing. The deeper you go into yoga practice, the more profound its benefits will be.

    Practicing Yoga helps develop the body and mind, yet is not a substitute for medicine. It is essential to learn and practice yoga under the supervision of a trained Yoga teacher. 

    1 टिप्पणी:

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