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     Happy Women's Day Celebration 

    Women’s Day is celebrated on March 8 every year in honor of women’s rights and their role in the society. The significance of this day has blended with diverse cultures and ethnicity across the world, and is celebrated in varied forms. Sharing Women’s Day wishes has become a common practice in many countries as a symbol of expression and appreciation for women. 

    Celebrate Women’s Day by wishing her and making her feel how special she is. Send her your heartfelt wishes and greetings and make her Women’s Day bright and joyous. Here are some wonderful Women’s Day wishes for you: 

    1. To me, a woman is symptomatic of a number of feelings, listening with patient, looking with love, swallowing the pain quietly, taking care of my dreams even when I am in sleep! Never lose the charm, keep it warm!!
    2. This day is just to celebrate your existence! I wish you blossom like a beautiful rose whose charm never goes!! May you stand like a stone, firm enough, not to get hit by any adversity!
    3. Any and every successful story would not have been complete without the presence of a woman! She always stands firm, by the side of a man when he embarks on his journey of success! She is courage, she is love, she is the future, she the present!! Cheers to the velour of women who have taken up the responsibility on her shoulders!
    4. Every bit of hard work and the affection that you put into it makes my life beautiful. Every little act of yours matters to me and has taken me from all the thick and thin. You are the angel who has transformed my life for the better. Thank you Lady. You are best; when you are with me I forget the rest! Happy women’s day!!
    5. When I was a child, I needed my mother,

            When I grew up, I needed my sister,

            When I understood the world, I needed a partner,

            When I grew old, I needed her to be my side,

            IT makes me feel, Life would have been nil,

            Had God not created this beautiful creature called “woman”!!

            6. God created woman to add to the beauty of the universe, when he created the world,

            God must also be surprised with his own creation,

            The way, the whole woman fraternity have transformed the world is unbelievable!

            May you keep spreading the fragrance in the world!

            Happy woman’s day!

            7. I hope that the sun shines in your world forever,

            May you keep on blossoming like a flower!

            May the soothing rain drops incessantly shower!

            I wish you very best and a successful life on this very special day of yours,

            Happy women’s day!

            8. Have the courage to break the cage,

            Women’s day comes to make us all realise the importance of woman in our life,

            It comes to honour the existence of woman,

           This day is your day,

            9. I want you to enjoy the day to fullest with zeal and enthusiasm.

            A plant grows only when it is watered regularly with love,

            Similarly, a life becomes a life only when there is happiness,

            A woman is the water that makes our life blossom like a flower,

           Woman! Keep watering this plant of life!

            Happy women’s Day

          10. The life would not have existed without you,

            You are that strong and faithful friend in every stage of life,

            You nurture every relation at every stage of life,

            You are the thread that keeps us connected robustly,

            Keep spreading light in life,

            Enjoy your day!!

            11. Not only she can nurture a home,

            She challenge everything and anything that comes in her way,

            To make her realise her inner strength,

            I want to bow down my heads in front of the whole woman fraternity,

            Happy woman’s day!

            12. She is the symbol of shakti,

            She teaches us the power of Bhakti,

            She is the most beautiful creation of the universe,

            She is the one, who brings a life and nurtures it,

            I want her to have an excellent life on her special day

            13 To helps you to travel extra miles,

            She gives you affection and love,

            She teaches you, how to smile,

            She is the one, who acts as a catalyst behind your every success,

            Help her grow, the way she helped you always,

            Happy woman’s day!

         14. You hold me, when I need you,

            Same as the lovely flowers that holds the dew,

            You can only understand the power of a woman when she is put to work,

            Just like the power of the moon is known only when the day reaches to darkness!

          15. She tries, to make us rise,

            When a difficulty arise,

            She shines and makes us wise,

            May all her dreams gets realised,

            Cheers to the fortitude of woman!

         16. I am gearing up to give you a bouquet of wishes on your special day,

                I am gathering a couple of flowers for you,

                To make you realise, your smile is where my happiness lies.

                Happy woman’s Day

         17. A woman, she is a blend of love, beauty, brain and courage,

                She is the one, who puts everything right,

                She is the one, who creates the world,

                Let’s come together to create her world!

               Happy woman’s Day ladies! Cheers!!

            18. You possess amazing power,

                You always shower,

                The love and my desire,

                You help to keep my dreams afire,

                 Hey woman! Keep smiling and keep spreading smile like you have always done!!

            19. The heart of a woman is the most precious thing that a man can possess,

                  Irrespective of the angle I look at you,

                  You appear to be the angel of my life,

                  You love and we live,

                  Happy woman’s Day!

            20. I often do not find words to express,

                But, I am blessed that you are there at my worst,

                You are hope, you are love,

                I want to thank you for being the pillar of my life,

                Happy woman’s day!

            21. Wish you a very happy women's day

                    It’s you who's making the difference in so many lives and I am one of them.

                    Have a wonderful day!

            22. No Life without Woman!

                This LIFE has no existence without a strong ally in WOMAN in every stage of life                     starting from Motherhood to Wife, Sister &finally a Daughter. Happy Women's Day!!

            23. A beautiful woman draws strength from troubles, smiles during distress and grows                 stronger with prayers & hope. Wishing you a very happy woman’s day! 

            24. The willingness to listen, the patience to understand, the strength to support, the                     heart to care &  just to be there. That is the beauty of a lady! Happy Woman’s Day!

            25. You’ve got everything to take the world in your stride. Happy Women’s Day

            26. We are cute Daughters,

                We are sweet Sisters,

                We are lovely Lovers,

                We are darling Wives,

                We are adorable Mothers,

                We are source of Strength,

                We are Women!

               Happy Women’s Day!

         27. If life is rainbow, you are different colors of it.

                If life is dark, you are the hope of light.

                Happy Women’s Day

           28. Women – a friend, nurturer, guide and partner who shows a man what loving, caring                 and sharing is! Happy Women’s Day!

             29. Happy Women’s Day! Wishing you a day as beautiful as you are!

            30. Celebrating the elegance of womanhood! Happy Women’s Day!

            31. There has never been a time or will never come a day when you will not be as                         important as you are to me at the very moment. You mean the world to me. Happy                 Women’s Day!

            32. May the glory and glamour of womanhood be abundantly bestowed upon you.                         Happy Women’s Day!

            33. You can do almost anything you put your mind to. You can swim the deepest ocean                 and climb the highest peak. Be a doctor or fly a plane. You can face adversity and still               walk tall. You are strong, beautiful, compassionate, and much more than words could           ever say! Happy Women’s Day!

            34. Woman is blend of beauty and brains, who can put all things right! Happy Women’s                  Day!

           35. Every Home, Every Heart, Every Feeling,

                Every Moment Of happiness is incomplete without u

                Only U can complete this world...

                Happy Women's Day

            36. A wonderful person and a great friend.

                It's a blessing to have both of them in you!

                A very Happy Women's Day to you!

            37. Thanks for always helping me to remember what is important in life… and today it is                 you! You are the best! Happy Women’s Day!

            38. The Little things that you do matter so much to me! Thanks. Happy Women’s Day!

            39. Thanks for being there through the tears and laughter. Happy Women’s Day!

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