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    Cancer Love Compatibility between Zodiac Signs  

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     Cancer Characteristics

    The people born under Cancer have a strong determination and purpose. They are very lovable, caring and reliable to their partners and require the same from their partners, although sometimes they are very possessive. A relationship means a lot to them. They can go to any extent to make their mate happy. These people live on their own principles and due to this; they have some sort of superiority complex. They can be as soft as melted gold and as hard as iron.

    They are very devoted to the people they love and care about, but they are very tricky and diplomatic too. Their strong point is their intelligence and if they work a little hard, they can excel in any field. Cancer people have a very sharp memory, but are very introvert by nature and that's the reason they sometimes lose the opportunity of showing their potential at the finest times. People belonging to cancer are usually weak in constitution. Cancerians are very imaginative and resourceful.

    Cancer Compatibility

    Cancer Man - Aries Woman Compatibility

    This is regarded as an excellent sign combination. They will have harmony in their relationship and will share the same wavelength. There will be love and the sense of respect for each other. They have different natures and will use them for complementing each other and making the relationship enjoyable. He will be creative, imaginative and artistic and she will be persistent, focused, and strong willed. Together they will work for the common objectives and goals and will enjoy a long lasting relationship.

    Cancer Man - Taurus Woman Compatibility

    She will have an irresistible magnetism that will keep him hooked. He will communicate in charismatic way to keep her involved. They will be artistic, creative and share common interests. They will appreciate music and films and it will act as a common binding factor. They will be romantic, loving and caring. Due to the high level of compatibility and understanding, they will be able to work out all the issues and will have a long lasting relationship.

    Cancer Man - Gemini Woman Compatibility

    This is Dwi-dwadash position (2-12) which is not considered good in Vedic astrology. It also indicates the fundamental differences in nature and understanding. They will find it difficult tounderstand each other's feelings and emotions. He may get demanding some times, whereas she will be too much involved in herself that she will not be able to find enough time for him. He will lack the loyalty and sense of care. Sometimes she will be very very demanding and sarcastic.

    Cancer Man - Cancer Woman Compatibility

    This is regarded as a good sign combination. They will have the same wave-length and will be at same emotional and intelligence level. This combination indicates good harmony in relationship. Both will be very emotional and sensitive. They will also be romantic and loving and enjoy each-other's company. They will understand each other and work toward common social and personal objectives. A very well combination indeed.

    Cancer Man - Leo Woman Compatibility

    This is not regarded as a good combination due to Dwi-dwadash (2-12) position. She will be assertive and dominating. He will be soft and tender and sometimes at the level of being impractical. She will be egocentric sometimes due to which he will be ignored by her. They will lack understanding of each other's feelings and emotions. He will not listen to her and will not be interested in responding to her. There will be difference of opinion and fights on petty issues. She will also be spendthrift and very much interested in show-off in the society. Whereas he would like to lead a simple life at home.

    Cancer Man - Virgo Woman Compatibility

    This makes a fabulous sign combination. They will share the same emotional plane and will understand each other's mood and feelings. There will be instant rapport which will lead to an enduring and satisfying relationship. He will appreciate her ability to provide a secure life. Both will remain concerned for each other's well being and nurture their relationship. He will be romantic and she will respond well according to his mood. This will lead to a long lasting and happy relationship.

    Cancer Man - Libra Woman Compatibility

    They will be at the same intellectual and emotional plane. They will collaborate in the areas of art, fashion, music, films, social and cultural pursuits. They will be soft hearted and will communicate in gentle manner. They will enjoy each other's social circle and participate enthusiastically in all the social activities. Due to the level of understanding and immense faith on each other, they will be able to work out all the small and big issues in the relationship. Both will be good looking and attractive and stimulate each other's qualities. This combination indicates a long lasting and happy relationship.

    Cancer Man - Scorpio Woman Compatibility

    This combination indicates a fundamental incompatibility in their natures and thinking. There will be difference of opinion and fights on small issues. She will be egocentric, controlling and assertive. He will not be able to understand the family issues, it also demonstrate lack of mental control. This compatibility will lack the emotional depth and breadth required for a long term relationship. None of them will be ready to change his/her point of view. He will lack the sense of managing money and thus invite consistent criticism by her. The lack of understanding and commitment will result in problems in the relationship.

    Cancer Man - Sagittarius Woman Compatibility

    There will be fundamental difference in thought process and nature. He would carve for freedom and independence. She will be conservative and home-oriented. He will think that the girl is assertive, dominating and controlling which will not go well with his freedom-loving nature. She will look for his time and expect him to listen to her patiently. There will be difference of opinions and small issues. They will have to spend maximum time with each other and work hard to sustain the relationship.

    Cancer Man - Capricorn Woman Compatibility

    This is a good sign combination. They will respond well to each other and build long lasting relationship. She will be practical, having a good knowledge of household activities. He will be creative and artistic. She will help him in putting his ideas into action. The boy will help her in realizing the potential of life and will be there for her as a friend, philosopher and guide. There will be harmony and smooth communication between them. The natives will be honest, caring and considerate. The combination will bring out the best in both of them.

    Cancer Man - Aquarius Woman Compatibility

    This is not regarded as a good sign combination. There will be basic differences in their ways of approaching life. The boy will believe the girl to be very conservative, unsympathetic and slow in reacting to anything. The girl will consider the boy as impractical and lack of financial sense. He will be very friendly and social and would love to spend time outside home. On the other hand, she will be introvert and like spending time at home alone. They will find it difficult to understand each other's mood and feelings.

    Cancer Man - Pisces Woman Compatibility

    Both the natives will be very emotional, due to which they will become irrational most of the times. Instead of trying to understand each other's mood and feelings, both will always like to talk about his/her own wishes, ideas and thoughts etc. This combination lacks the harmony and understanding required for a long lasting relationship. Both will find the partner attractive, but realize that their needs are different. They lack the will and desire required for a long lasting relationship. This is also not a good combination for health and progeny.

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