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    Aquarius Love Compatibility between Zodiac Signs

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    Aquarius is ruled by Saturn. These natives basically possess strong and attractive personalities. They are nearly always intelligent, concise, clear and logical. Even in company they are fiercely independent refusing to follow the crowd and take pride in the fact that they are so unique. They dislike interference in their way and will accept it only on their own terms. They are determined and forceful in how they deal with people. Aquarians are introvert by nature and are not able to make friends easily. They are also very kind and have a strong desire to help humanity. They do not give themselves easily. Even then they are not that loyal for their love mates but still they want complete loyalty in return.

     Aquarius Characteristics

    Their anger is among their negative traits and if they are deceived their anger is terrible and if disillusioned, they do not forgive. Aquarians are very good at group project. They are very ambitious people and also dream a lot and sometimes their dream help them to achieve their goal. Aquarians will never reveal their innermost feelings, no matter how hard others may try to persuade them, simply because they are unable to do so. They are very helpful and compassionate by nature. Aquarians people are remarkable spiritual healers. They will keep on evaluating situations, people etc on regular basis. Still at the end of the day, they will be as confused as before. They are very emotional, very sensitive but tend to be suspicious and can be very tactless and rude at times.

    Aquarius Compatibility

    Aquarius Man - Aries Woman Compatibility

    The boy's Zodiac sign is Kumbha and the girl comes under Mesha sign. A very compatible match as far as sign compatibility is concerned. The boy wants the girl to be more disciplined, controlled and regimented. He gives her full support and encouragement which helps her to gain self confidence and brings out the best in her. She finds him kind, astute and sagacious enough to take decisions. They will develop very good understanding and harmony in their relationship is assured. Overall, a 'go for it' alliance.

    Aquarius Man - Taurus Woman Compatibility

    The boy's Zodiac sign is Kumbha and the girl comes under Vrishabha sign. This is a very good combination as far as sign is considered. The boy appreciates her compassionate and sensitive ways. She finds him kind, astute and sagacious enough to take decisions. Her dependence could make him feel more important and purposeful. He is a good listener and she needs sympathy and advice more than action. Both are romantic and affectionate and will enjoy the domestic bliss.

    Aquarius Man - Gemini Woman Compatibility

    The boy's Zodiac sign is Kumbha and the girl belongs to Mithun sign. This is not a favorable combination as far as sign compatibility is considered. They may find it difficult and apt to consider things very carefully before passing judgment. The natives could be suspicious and unfriendly towards each other. They are either too practical or too self-absorbed to make any great effort for adjusting with each other. Both are advised to be more practical towards their approach in domestic life. Both take this relationship as a burden. Overall, not a good match.

    Aquarius Man - Cancer Woman Compatibility

    The boy's Zodiac sign is Kumbha and the girl comes under Kark sign. This is not a very conducive alliance as far as Bhakut Gunas are concerned. Each may have the wrong chemistry for each other. Their basic dispositions are uncomplimentary and they may apt to disperse their energies in different directions. Both have leadership abilities, but will act in different directions. The boy loves co-operation and may resent the girl's audacious, high handed and over powering tactics. They are not compatible.

    Aquarius Man - Leo Woman Compatibility

    The boy's Zodiac sign is Kumbha and the girl comes under Simha sign. This is a very good combination as far as Bhakoot compatibility is concerned. The boy is much disciplined and helps the girl to be more organized while the girl is very supportive toward him which allows him to handle his pursuits very nicely. Both take their conjugal duties seriously. They will allow a fair degree of independence and assertiveness for each other. It is a union that should bring out the best in each of the partner. Overall, a good merge.

    Aquarius Man - Virgo Woman Compatibility

    The boy's Zodiac sign is Kumbha and the girl comes under Kanya sign. There is lack of mutual kindness, generosity and helpfulness in the relationship. There are chances of occasional quarrels due to ego clashes. The boy tends to be impatient because of which he considers the girl as weak, indecisive, lazy and materialistic. The girl resents and get hurt by the emotional insensitivity of the boy. The natives may tend to make each other more sad and depressed.

    Aquarius Man - Libra Woman Compatibility

    The boy's Zodiac sign is Kumbha and the girl comes under Tula sign. This combination can cause difficulties in communicating emotional issues, especially in romantic and marital relationships. There will be a general lack of domestic harmony and many emotional misunderstandings may occur. The girl regards the boy as rude, overbearing, impatient and undeveloped in social manners and domestic behavior.

    Aquarius Man - Scorpio Woman Compatibility

    The boy's Zodiac sign is Kumbha and the girl comes under Vrishchika sign. It is a successful and stable union. The girl will always encourage and support her ambitious mate. He is impulsive, while she is patient and enduring. He is a fighter and she loves to be the peacemaker. The boy helps the girl to be more disciplined and organized in her actions in turn the girl gives him full support and encouragement to manage his pursuits nicely. In the midst of adversities, they don't loose their hearts and face the situation very boldly.

    Aquarius Man - Sagittarius Woman Compatibility

    The boy's Zodiac sign is Kumbha and the girl comes under Dhanu sign. Bhakoot Gunas show a very good compatibility between the natives. They will also have a fine attuning of each other's subconscious mind and will respond positively. They will also remain firm and unperturbed even in the midst of adversities. The natives will have good level of understanding and it would help them to carry out general endeavors smoothly. There will be mutual love and respect combined with reasonable discipline and moral guidance. The social, educational and cultural contacts of the girl can help the boy in business, professional and political affairs.

    Aquarius Man - Capricorn Woman Compatibility

    The boy's Zodiac sign is Kumbha and the girl comes under Makar sign. This combination can cause difficulties in communicating about emotional issues, especially in romantic and marital relationships. In some cases, it merely indicates disagreements in esthetic cultural and social values. The boy may feel that the girl is too wrapped up in her ideas and in constant intellectual discussion to recognize or respond to boy's feelings and emotional and esthetic values. Though this is not a very encouraging alliance, however if other Gunas are matched well, then this alliance can be taken into consideration.

    Aquarius Man - Aquarius Woman Compatibility

    The boy and the girl both comes under Kumbha Zodiac sign. As far as sign Guna is concerned it is a very conducive alliance. The involved parties are best friends as well as lovers. Even with careers, and all the other accoutrements of a busy life, this couple makes giving time to each other, a priority. Together they can sustain adverse situation very nicely. Both have ability to compromise, which allows both individual to feel fundamentally good about what they are getting. Both will be extremely happy with each other.

    Aquarius Man - Pisces Woman Compatibility

    The boy's Zodiac sign is Kumbha and the girl comes under Meena sign. They need to put in a lot of efforts, if they want to live together, happily. In this type of combination problems like overconfidence and over spending themselves may occur. The natives are likely to make unreasonable and inconsiderate demands on each other. The compatibility chart indicates less respect for the partner's views, opinions, etc. which may result into conflicts. However if other Gunas are matched well then this alliance may be taken into consideration.

    Aquarius Facts

    Lucky number: 3, 9 and 2

    Lucky Color: Yellow and red

    Lucky Day: Thursday and Friday

    Lucky Gemstone: Amethyst, which is to be worn as a ring in middle finger

    Compatible Zodiac Signs: Gemini and Libra

    Incompatible Zodiac Signs: Scorpio, Cancer, Sagittarius

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